Responsible leadership: developing people skills in project management education in European HEI’s

Passion for crafting the job to lead well-being teams.

The overall objective of RESPRO is to improve people skills in project management education. We will analyse the existing best practices of responsible leadership in project management, specify and include the principles of responsible leadership into the project management education, develop easy-access short (EAS) courses and tools for responsible leadership concerning IMPA people skill standards and raise awareness of responsible project management to achieve this objective. ​

Completing the actions in RESPRO, the project reaches the outcomes corresponding to the objectives. We will discover the current procedures of responsible project management and reflect the practice to scientific findings, develop easy access short (EAS)-courses and the e-simulation game. We will integrate both into the curricula of participating HEIs. The Teacher Guidebook is designed to support the practical implementation of the EAS courses and the e-simulation game. ​

Therefore, the specific results of the RESPRO project are the EAS courses (3 ECTs), the e-simulation game and the Guidebook for Teachers. The novel educational tools will improve the people skills of future project managers, deepen their knowledge and skills in responsible leadership and foster their perception of the leader’s role in preserving and promoting the well-being of the project team. Project results support the digital transformation of education and facilitate the digital readiness of students and teachers in project management.​

WP2 – Analysis of best practices

We discover the best practices of people skills education in project management programs in Europe

WP3 – Easy Accessible Short (EAS)

We covers three 1 ECTs easy access short-courses (later EAS-course) for responsible project management.

WP4- e-Simulation Game

Consortium develops tailor made course (content) and e-tool, which are then distributed among University students and teachers

WP5 – Guidebook for Teachers

The guidebook will be organised as a two-dimensional product: contents-dimension and multiple digital media-dimensions

“Be responsible is know the consequences of your decissions”


How to be a responsible leader