
Work PackageTo doDoingDone
2. Best PractisesT2.7 Writing the five publications based on the findings: link to publication plan.T2.1 Forming the questionnaire for HEIs (students)
T2.2 Piloting and implementing the survey (students and educators).
T2.3 Analysing the quantitative result from two surveys; students and educators.
T2.4 Planning and organising the focus group discussions.
T2.5 Analysing the qualitative data from the discussions.
T2.6 Forming the best practises
3. EAS CoursesT3.4 Piloting the courses
T3.5 Refining the courses
T3.6 Finalizing the courses
T3.7 Process evaluation data into articles
T3.2 Preparing the contents
T3.3 Co-creation of the courses
T3.1 Preparing the methodology
4. e-GameT4.3 Dissemination and user interventionT4.1 Establishing RESPRO e-tool frame
T4.2 Technical development phase
5. GuidebookT5.1 Preparing the overview
T5.2 Forming the first draft
T5.3 Piloting
T5.4 Revising
T5.5 Finalising the contents
T5.6 Publishing

Task 2.1. To create the questionnaires, the project team have been researching existing questionnaires and matching the results with the focus groups’ (companies’ needs) analysis. The result is a set of guidelines for implementing the questionnaires.

Task 2.2 (activity 1). The main result was a questionnaire for students from the four partner universities. This questionnaire has been answered by about 200 students, reaching the minimum required number (120 students). It is possible to access the questionnaire via this link.

Task 2.2 (activity 2), results in a questionnaire for educators from the four partner universities. This questionnaire has been answered by about 50 professionals, achieving the required minimum. It is possible to access the questionnaire via this link.

Task 2.3 consisted of the analysis of the results of the questionnaires. A matrix of results is available for four universities and two collectives. The results show a high level of interest on the part of the students and a pleasing willingness on the part of the educators. These results are currently being published.

Task 2.4. The focus groups were organised following a guide developed by the project team, and all the planned groups were carried out. The guide is in the process of being published.

Task 2.5. The results of the surveys were reviewed by analysing the texts and transcripts of the conversations. These results have been compared with the results of the surveys to generate good practices. The comparison is one of the publications currently in progress.

Task 2.6. Forming the best practises. The previous results, once analysed, provide a series of relevant topics. The topics give rise to a series of good practices for responsible leaders to follow. The topics of relevance can be found here (link).