Consortium and team


Polytechnic University of Valencia

Jose-Luis Poza-Lujan has a B.S. degree in education, a B.S. degree in computing, and a PhD in informatics. Since 2002, I have been a lecturer and researcher at the UPV. Has led more than 100 Final Degree Projects. Has participated in different stays in Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Italy, and France. Has published 18 papers in JCR-indexed journals, two books, five book chapters, and 127 articles in congresses. Has participated in 22 technological projects. Highlights the coordination of a project of education innovation focused on the cross-curricular competencies in the ICT degree (EVALUA), the technical coordinator of a European project of the H2020 program (AiRT), and the primary coordinator of the Erasmus+ project (CoSki21). In 2007, he received the prize for teaching excellence from the Schools of Informatics, and in 2013 received the UPV prize for teaching excellence. He is the advisor of a Doctoral Thesis in Soft Skills and two Doctoral Thesis in Smart Cities. Currently, he is the Spanish coordinator of the Spanish standard for implementing project documentation in computer engineering. Currently is vice-dean of communication and promotion of the School of Informatics and the Soft Skills subject coordinator in Computer Science and Transmedia Masters.

Nuria Lloret-Romero is full professor at the UPV. PhD degree UPV and Degree in Geography and History. Has been Director of the DCADHA department from 2004 to 2012. Currently is the Coordinator of the Doctorate in Music (UPV) and Director of the Master’s Degree in Music (UPV). Director of the research group CALSI, belonging to the Institute of Design and Manufacture (IDF) of the (UPV), and member of the governing council of the Institute. He also belongs to the group of interdisciplinary research of the University of Granada group PAI-TIC. In 2010 obtained a research grant from the Ministry for a stay at New York University at King Juan Carlos I Center. For 10 years has been the Director of the International Congress CALSI. Directed several research projects at the national level and European programs. Being an expert evaluator for the European Union since 1998 at the different programs up to the present time. She is also an ANECA evaluator for the REACREDITA program. She has published in several international journals. Founding partner of the companies Masmedios.SL and the company The Line Between Ltd are based in the USA. She is president of association AECTA and member Erasmus of the National Federation FENAC. Member of the board of directors of the CEV and member of the Commissions of R & D and Teaching of the CEOE.

Alberto Conejero-Casares is Degree in Mathematics (1998) and PhD in Mathematics. Associate professor at the School of Informatics at UPV. Has been Vice-dean of the School of Informatics, head of the Academic Performance Area in the Vicerectorate of Students Affairs, deputy Secretary-General of the UPV. Currently chair of the Department of Applied Mathematics and academic director of the MSc program in Mathematical Research. Co-author of more than 40 papers in indexed journals (JCR) in mathematics (analysis, dynamical systems, and graph theory) and applied mathematics and multidisciplinary applications. Co-author of 6 papers in teaching education, indexed in Scopus. Research stays in Bowling Green (USA), Kent (USA), Lecce (Italia), Praga (Czech Rep.) and Tübingen (Germany). Editor of several journals. Teaching prizes were received from the University (2014) and the School of Informatics (2014). Has been fostering and collaborating in science outreach programs and first-year student mentoring. Has vast experience working with multidisciplinary groups of teaching innovation. Advisor of 5 PhD mathematical (3) and psychology (2) thesis.

Julio González-Liendo obtained a degree in Social Communication from the Central University of Venezuela (1996). He later completed a specialization in Business Administration at the José María Vargas University (1999). Later he obtained a master’s degree in Communications Management at the Universitat Barcelona and the International University of La Rioja (UNIR). PhD candidate in Cultural and Communication Industries at the UPV, he is also a Visiting Researcher at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. He researches sustainability in museums and fashion, as well as the application of transmedia communication in creative companies. He is a member of the European SUMED research team. He is a professor of corporate social responsibility at UNIR and the Universidad Anáhuac (Mexico), as well as fashion communication and sustainability at Next Educación and Universidad Francisco de Vitoria in Spain. He created and directed the Latin American communications agency Avant Garde RP for 20 years.


Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS)

Marion Karppi (Physiotherapist, M.Sc. Public Health) is a Senior Lecturer at Department of Health and Well‐Being. She works as a research group leader in New Ways of Promoting Performance-group. Her main teaching areas are well-being at work and leadership in new ways of working. NWPP-group deals with RDI projects related to workability and well-being at work, leadership practices and different working contexts. Karppi’s research interest is mainly in the field of leadership and well-being at work. She is currently a doctoral researcher at Turku University, the research topic is the shared leadership in project teams. She is qualified Project Manager by Project Management Foundation Certificate 3.0. PMAF 2018. She has been working in coordinating roles in several national and international projects and as a content specialist.


Ursula Hyrkkänen (PhD), is a leading principal investigator and leading principal lecturer at the faculty of Health and Well‐Being. She has acted as a research director in two universities of applied sciences and have been responsible director of several multidisciplinary and net-worked research projects concerning modern ways of working, leadership and well-being. She has participated in several international RDI-networks in the field of promoting health, well-being and new working modes. Her research interests cover the development of modern ways of working, leadership and well-being in ICT -based mobile virtual work, employee driven job crafting, work–life balance, and enhancing physical activity for promoting health.

Tapani Kilpeläinen.





Riga Technical University (RTU)

Elma Eugenie is the team leader at RTU with the main task of setting the groundwork for team members, collaborating, and ensuring everyone brings their best potential to make this world a better place for all of us. Elma has gained her knowledge in humanitarian sciences and sees herself as the binding figure between digital innovations that are ethical and human-centered research standing nearby it. She has worked in various higher education fields, which has broadened her perspective on the potential needs of 21st-century students, academicians, and scientists as well as challenges. Like any research, which is a never-ending process, Elma also keeps learning by doing and periodically immersing herself in academic research about women architects in the practice of Baltic architecture.



Lucas Miakinen is the technical mind of the RTU team. His task is to find the best technical and functional solutions to meet the needs of end product users. He has engaged in diverse software development projects. His projects range from a scent diffusion device controlled remotely via mobile applications to a community food ordering application and a Disneyland Paris park management application utilizing advanced algorithms for route calculation. The game development for educational purposes developed during the RESPRO project can be considered a personal challenge to surpass the stage of already great achievement and reach new heights and competencies.




University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt (FHWN)

Karin Link is Head of the Institute for Professional Skills Development at the University of Applied Sciences Wr. Neustadt. Her professional activities include the management of the institute, research and teaching. Additionally, she is responsible for the Leadership Excellence Program at the University of Applied Sciences Wr. Neustadt – a special education program for high-achieving students. Beside this she is lecturer at the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) and the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. Before her academic career she ran an IT-Business. She received her doctoral degree (Dr.) in Business Administration where she graduated with distinction. Her current research and teaching activities encompass leadership, paradox and personal skills development. Her current research focusses on responsible leadership (development) in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous business world. Photo: @FHWN

Jens-Michael Kirchhof has about 15 years of experience in national and international project coordination and project management. After completing his Master’s degree in sustainable energy management at UAS Ulm, UAS Stuttgart and UAS Rottenburg, he worked at the Austrian Competence Centre for Biomass Research as a scientist and leader of innovative projects. After completing a master’s degree in innovation management, he has since been working at the UAS Wiener Neustadt in the Institute for Professional Skills Development. Due to various certificates in the field of classical, agile or alternative project management methods such as Dragon Dreaming, Mr. Kirchhof has broadly applicable knowledge in the fields of project management. His focus is on innovative and future-oriented integrated project management methods that can be adapted to the demands of future generations and ever-faster markets. As a Scrum Master, dispute mediator and agile coach, he teaches subjects such as project management methods, team organization, conflict management and team management in various Master’s and Bachelor’s degree programs. In addition, he supervises various master’s and bachelor’s theses and coordinates student-commissioned projects in the context of a wide range of degree programs. Photo: @Pletterbauer

Lisa Zach, BSc, MSc studied economics, social sciences and business education at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. After working for a large Austrian insurance company for many years, she is now a lecturer and researcher at the Institute for Personal Skills Development at the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt. She is dedicated to activities in the fields of project management, communication and presentation skills, self-management as well as intercultural communication and conflict management.  For her outstanding master thesis she was awarded the Ulrich-Teichler-Prize by the Society for Higher Education Research at the Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany. Photo @FHWN.