Work Packages

WP2 – Analysis of best practises. The aim of the work package is to come up with a set of recommendations, or good practices, for a responsible project leader. This responsibility should lead to the good health of the team. The well-being of the team is achieved through job-crafting.

WP3 – Easy Accessible Short (EAS) Courses. This Work package. This work package focuses on the development of courses that will enable you to learn and develop the skills necessary to be a good and responsible leader. As from the previous work package, three courses have been developed:
1. Responsible leadership
2. Well-being.
3. Job crafting.

WP4 – e-Simulation Game. In line with the principles of gamified learning, to support the three courses above, an online game will be created in which participants must react to situations in which their competences as responsible leaders are put to the test.

WP5 – Guidebook for Teachers. All the knowledge, tools and resources to achieve the competencies of a good and responsible leader will be condensed in a book-summary in which they can be consulted.